How I Got Started

A couple working on a paper on the table
The Eclectic Group LLC

What We do

Situated in the dynamic landscape of New York City, The Eclectic Group LLC is committed to fostering inclusive marketing initiatives that embrace diversity. While our services cater to everyone, our platforms, Eclectically Black and More Than Three Fifth, specifically focus on forging connections within Black and Brown communities, promoting inclusivity and empowerment. As a brand, we prioritize consultancy, networking, strategic partnerships, and curated travel experiences, ensuring a holistic approach to marketing excellence. Join us in our mission to champion diversity and cultivate impactful marketing strategies that resonate with all while providing targeted support for Black and Brown entrepreneurs through our dedicated platforms.


Eclectically Black new logo in color on a white color background

Eclectic Buying

Sell your products on the Eclectically Black e-commerce store

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Eclectic Excursion

Access to exclusive discounts with air, hotel, cruises, and car rental

All African casual business meeting image in color section

Eclectic Networking

Connect with black culture with professional and casual networking events online and in-person

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Eclectic Consulting

Marketing, Media, Advertising, Business Development, and Project Management Consulting

Additional Services

In addition to our four primary service offerings above, we manage two websites – Eclectically Black and More Than Three Fifth

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Eclectically Black

A black-owned e-commerce store that sells office supplies and Eclectically Black branded swag. There is also profit-sharing opportunities available for black businesses to sell their products.

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More Than Three Fifth

An online destination for black businesses, black content, and black culture.

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How We Got Started

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Before Kali started the Eclectic Group, she had 15 years of experience in the marketing and advertising industry.

In her professional career, she works with some of the most high-value brands in the world. She felt fulfilled in this purpose until she came across a greater need for her talents and expertise. She founded this organization in the hopes to fill a strong need within her community.

In her local community, the provision of professional services just simply wasn’t there. She wanted more than this for her community and family. So, she focused on providing a company that focused on consulting, networking, and traveling services.

Like the rest of society 2020 was a turning point for The Eclectic Group LLC. All plans of having in-person networking events, consulting small businesses, and setting up travel deals came to a halt because society had shut down. This made 2020 and 2021 years where the company had to rethink their business strategy. Then late 2021, eureka! The Eclectic Group would still offer its branded services but promote their pillars online vs in-person.

Instead of pop-up events with black businesses – they opened an e-commerce store that sells office supplies and helps promote other businesses product/services. Eclectically Black opened its doors on October 2, 2022.

Then instead of being limited to having an in person networking events and in-person consultations to help small businesses brand and market their business – they created a site that allows people and organizations to network with small businesses and created a platform to help business owners grow their brand awareness. On February 3, 2023, More Than Three Fifth started a new movement online to help small businesses market themselves in the black and brown communities.

Finally, instead of promoting vacation packages – they will use this arm of their services to help businesses and individuals promote their business with available travel deals they have access to domestically and internationally via air, rental, cruises, hotels, and group travel.

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